One AI to Meet All Educational Needs.
Your All-in-One Pedagogical and Curriculum Creation & Implementation Assistant.
Designed to be an all-encompassing educational ally that meticulously crafts unit & lesson plans, generates insightful instructional materials, and creates engaging activities, all while offering a personalized learning journey for every student
Dynamic Instructional Materials
Engaging Activitiy Creation
Tailored learning experiences
Meet the unique needs of every student with transformative AI technology
Personalized learning experiences that cater to the needs of every student. TeachAid reduces administrative burdens, allowing educators to focus on implementing inclusive and effective educational strategies.
Lesson Planning
Effortlessly create a full unit's worth of lesson plans aligned to your standards. Scaffolded and interconnected to spiral through curriculum and differientated to each students needs.
Final Assessments
Craft student choice based assessments, assignments, tests, rubrics, checklists, instructions and more.
Interactive Presentations
Generate presentations with engaging quizzes and prompts.
Learning Activities
Create equitable activities and resources that encourage exploration and practice.
Engage students with LIVE interactive activities
Our interactive presentations and learning activities are designed to captivate and motivate all students, transforming every lesson into an engaging, enjoyable, equitable experience.

Create lessons at the click of a button
By integrating essential learning objectives into dynamic, interactive adventures, TeachAid ensures that students not only learn but thrive, making each educational moment vibrant, memorable, and highly effective.